Friday, April 6, 2007

My heart was broken today…

It's Good Friday

I took the day off from work today for the observance of Good Friday. We had made plans weeks ago to visit the Cathedral for the Veneration of the Cross. Now at our Cathedral they actually have a relic of the Cross of St. Helena (for those who aren't familiar with the name, the Cross of St. Helena is a portion of the True Cross. The same Cross our Lord and Saviour was Crucified on!) brought to Rome from Jerusalem in the 4Th century. The relic was brought to the Cathedral by Bishop Glass in 1920 and is only viewable on Good Friday and Holy Saturday. To make a long story short I did alright up until the time the Deacon entered the Cathedral with the Cross. As he proceeded down the isle the weight and significance of what was happening and where I was, started to weigh me down. Then it happened. The Choir started in, singing "Improperia." It was all I could do to keep the tears from flowing down my face. By the time it was our turn to go and touch the Cross I truly felt as though I was somewhere else, somewhere so much more important than the world in which I live, somewhere significant in time and space.

I want to share with you from the bottom of my heart that I know Christ died for our sins yours and mine and I stand here without the slightest idea of how to internalize that reality. They were my sins that Christ bore, for me! How does one internalize that? I guess we will never fully understand Love and Truth in their truest forms until we stand face to face with God. As I ponder on my experience today I wonder how many of my sins were present in that Holy relic. How unworthy I am Lord to have received such a gift.

To all of the people I have sinned against, please I humbly beg for your forgiveness!

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