Friday, April 13, 2007

Abortion? What about the other issues…

I was watching a book review program the other night on "The Politics of Jesus by: Obery M. Hendricks Jr." Obery M. Hendricks Jr. happens to be a biblical scholar in the African Methodist Episcopal Church. When being asked to comment on some of the issues he raises in his book, I was stunned by his response to the question of abortion as a political issue, and what Jesus would think of the value our society places on the unborn child today. Basically his response was… there are a lot of injustices in the world and abortion is just one of many, no better or worse than say, death in war, poverty, the death penalty and so on. Well I'm not going to attempt to argue this point here, I don't have that much time, but I am going to post a few words from someone you might have herd of. Someone even non-Catholics generally recognise as a true servant of God.

"Your opinion stated that you did not need to “resolve the difficult question of when life begins.” That question is inescapable. If the right to life is an inherent and inalienable right, it must surely exist wherever life exists. No one can deny that the unborn child is a distinct being, that it is human, and that it is alive. It is unjust, therefore, to deprive the unborn child of its fundamental right to life on the basis of its age, size, or condition of dependency… But I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child—a direct killing of the innocent child—murder by the mother herself. And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?"
–Mother Teresa

The most important issue facing our world today is the issue of abortion, it trumps all others. The right to life is the foundation of human rights and freedom, from which all other issues arise. True freedom is not the ability to do anything you want, but instead the opportunity to do what is right.
Approx. number of abortions preformed since Roe v Wade:
46.5 million. Let's end the genocide.

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