Monday, March 12, 2007

A Mormon for President?

Why not? Look, as a faithful Roman Catholic, I don't understand this issue with Presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Here is a man who is running for President that is pro-life, pro-family and pro-faith (OK so I'm the only one who has ever used that term before, hey I'm no Samuel Clemens besides you get the point) and he's – drum roll please… a Mormon. Gasp!

Look I'm going to keep this short because I don't think this requires a lot of head space. Yes there are vast differences between traditional Christian and LDS (ie: Mormon) theology, but what in the heck does that have to do with being the President. Are people afraid that the LDS Church will be running the country if he is elected. It's as ridicules a statement as it was when Kennedy ran for president and it was speculated that the Pope would be in control. Are we eternally bound to perpetual stupidity? The LDS Church is a fine and beautiful religion. They contribute greatly to our culture, our country and the world, and many of my friends are devout Latter Day Saints. And they're good people, horns and all. (I'm only kidding it's an inside joke my LDS friends will appreciate.) Still what does any of that have to do with running for President? So to all of the anti Romney Christian nay- sayers out there, we have 5 core issues at stake.

(1) Abortion
(2) Euthanasia
(3) Embryonic Stem Cell Research
(4) Human Cloning
(5) Same-Sex Marriage

Mitt Romney stands AGAINST all 5 of these issues, and for a Christian the Five Issues That Matter Most.
So would I vote a Mormon into the White House?
Damn right I would!
(Unless of coarse there was a Catholic that actually supported those same values that was running. But just like the dinosaurs of long ago they to I'm afraid are extinct.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very Well Said!!!