Sunday, March 18, 2007

Applebee's and the worlds strongest man…

It's a tradition for my family to patronise one of the few fine eating establishments in our town every Sunday after Mass. We find it a good time to talk about what we've heard in the gospel readings, and It's a great time to build bonds of love and communication within our family. So a few weeks ago we decided to go to Applebee's. (Notice how I highlighted few in the first paragraph, let's just say that if you don't think that Applebee's is a fine eating establishment, don't move to my town – you haven't seen the other restaurants I'm comparing it too.) Anyway, as we walk through the door I had to do a double take. For a minute I thought I had accidentally walked into Costco. There were flat panel HD TVs everywhere. Each I might add, with it's own sports program on it. Now I'm not a big sports fan but I do enjoy watching the oddball sports competitions every once in a while. So as the shock wears off, and we're seated at our table I look up to see, the Met-Rx World's Strongest Man competition. Now while I'm being entertained I get to thinking, what defines the strength of a Man? The men on TV are good looking, powerful and by all worldly accounts strong. By now I wishing I could be like them… and then it hits me. Below is a video clip of the Worlds Strongest Man!

Now I'm wishing I could be more like him. If anyone needs a definition of what a real man is, look no further than TEAM HOYT.

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