Sunday, May 13, 2007


Ya I probably waited to long to say this, but it's my blog so oh well.
Just a little thought on the whole Rosie "Oh, Donald" (a lame reference to her issues with Mr. Trump) and Alec Bald"whine" (more tears please, make me feel the hurt inside) blogs I did last month. Don't you find it ironic that I would post two blogs next to each other, completely unrelated in content and really, two stories completely unrelated to each other, and this happens.
  1. "O'Donnell has announced she will leave "The View" as soon as her contract is up." There is a God and he has an Angel named (Finally).
  2. Bald"whine" is reported as saying "...I Don't Care If I Do Anything Else in TV Ever Again." Please Mr. Bald"whine" please don't go, well at least before I get the chance to kick you out the door.
Good luck and good riddance.

1 comment:

me said...

nice work I'm with u